MaulaKalika is a famous Hindu temple of Goddess Kalika in Gaindakot town of Nawalparasi district in Lumbini zone of Nepal. MaulaKalika is a very famous and growing tourist destination located in Gaindakot town of Nepal. Located on the top of the Maula hill on the north of Narayani River (also called Gandaki River) in Gaindakot, MaulaKalika temple is situated 561 meter above the sea level. History Historically, it is said that in 16th century the King of Palpa created a symbolic offering site (“Maula”) in the name of goddess Kalika after which the name of the mountain (Maula hill) was derived. It is believed, in Hindu mythology that the Goddess Kali or Kalika also called Durga is the symbol of energy, power and new beginning. Popularity Local people in Gaindakot have been worshiping at the MaulaKalika for many centuries before it got wide spread popularity quite recently. The current temple was built in the early 1990s. Hundreds of thousands of people visit MaulaKalika every year from Nepal and neighboring countries. Dasain or Dusserafestival in September–October and in March–April are peak seasons when goddess Kalika (also called NavDurga, the 9 different incarnation of Goddess Kalika) is worshiped during these festive season.

Valmiki Ashram
Balmiki Ashram is located in an island in Narayani River near Triveni, 20 km south of Kusunde, which siyuated in